We occasionally receive questions about repairing/replacing damaged insulation on our shelters. The insulation we use is designed for insulating, but doesn't necessarily hold up well against the assault of critters. Raccoons are especially notorious for wrecking insulation, but there are a few cats that are also culprits.

We install the insulation with a combination of adhesives to give quick adhesive and long term durability. Some older shelters used a single heat-applied adhesive. The insulation we use in the original construction only works well when applied to clean, flat, dry surfaces. The two scenarios for insulation repair/replacement are described below:

1. Repair of insulation that has come loose (but isn't damaged)
This happens on older shelters that used only a single, heat-applied adhesive.  For both repair methods, you will need to start by making sure both surfaces of the repair are clean and dry and free of loose materials. The most durable repair requires a caulking gun and the use of a professional-grade polyurethane sealant called OSI Quad. OSI Quad is only available for use with caulking guns, so if you don't know how to use a caulking gun, or would rather not try, skip to section B.

A. OSI Quad (permanent, but slower and more involved)
Perform this procedure with the shelter at room temperature. Apply a generous 1/4" to 3/8" bead of OSI Quad in patterns on the back to make sure you have lines of adhesive every 1-2" across the surface of the insulation. Press the insulation in place firmly. You can adjust the position until it's where you want it. The piece will need to be held with pressure for 24 hours. Placing books on top of the insulation piece is a good way to do this without pressing so hard as to damage the insulation. Note that OSI Quad has a moderate odor, so it is advisable to do this outdoors, or in a garage, if you're sensitive to odors. Keep the shelter open during this time to allow odors to dissipate. After 24 hours the adhesive is cured sufficiently for the shelter to be returned to service.
B. Scotch Double Sided Permanent Outdoor Mounting Tape
This will work best if the shelter is at room temperature and dry. Using scissors, cut pieces of the tape 2-3" long and apply them at the corners, sides and across the middle. Be generous with the tape. Position the insulation piece as closely as possible and when ready, press firmly in place. Once pressed in place, the piece cannot be moved. Firmly, but without crushing the insulation (using the palms is a fairly safe way to do this) move your hands back and forth several times pressing the insulation in place. The shelter may now be returned to surface.

2. Replacement of damaged insulation
Required materials: Reflectix and Scotch Double Sided Permanent Outdoor Mounting Tape
This happens when the insulation has been clawed, chewed, etc. by an animal. Using a plastic putty knife (or your hands, if you have nothing better) remove as much of the damaged insulation as possible while trying not to damage any intact insulation. You will likely not get the surface(s) completely clean of old adhesive and insulation. You will need a product called Reflectix (or similar). This is similar to double-sided bubble wrap but with an aluminized foil film on both sides.  Cut a piece of Reflectix to the proper size using scissors. Cut and apply pieces of tape 2-3" long at the corners, along the sides and across the middle of the Reflectix piece. Position the Reflectix piece to the correct position as closely as possible then press it firmly into position. Using your palms, press firmly back and forth across the surface to engage as much of the tape as possible. Once this has been completed, the shelter may be returned to service.

Materials mentioned above are available at most larger home improvement stores. We've provided some links below:

Scotch Double Sided Permanent Outdoor Mounting Tape
Home Depot
Menards (Loctite Power Grab Double-Sided Mounting Tape)

OSI Quad Advanced Formula 001 (white)
Home Depot

Lowes 24" wide or 16" wide (depending on the insulation piece being replaced)
Menards 24" wide or 16" wide